Patty C.
“I learned of Pierpont’s ASL program through one of my customers who is currently enrolled. I have always dabbled in sign language, but just enough though that when I welcomed an employee to the shop who needs those accommodations, I confused everybody. We had masks on, she couldn’t read my lips, and I knew just enough to confuse us both.
Pierpont is really concerned with helping students get a quality education, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make the journey possible financially.”

Caleb S. '24
Info Systems: CyberSecurity and Business Management
“I chose Pierpont because of the professor-student connection that is formed to help us succeed in all areas of life. My plan going into my last semester at Pierpont is to help create and start a new state-of-the-art holistic wellness center to provide true healing options for West Virginians.”
Over $1.4 million in West Virginia Invests Grants awarded at Pierpont CTC in the 2023 - 2024 academic year.
The West Virginia Invests Grant, also known as the “Free Community College Grant,” covers the full cost of tuition for an associate’s degree or certificate in an in-demand, high-paying field. Learn more.