
The Applied Process Technology program is designed to meet the needs of local and regional power producers, natural gas midstream and downstream operations, chemical operators, and manufacturing facilities. The program covers a broad-spectrum of technology including electrical circuits and machinery, mechanical fundamentals, hydraulics, pneumatics, process systems and components fundamentals, plant operations and instrumentation and controls.

Our students progress through a set of core general education and technical courses and will select between two career paths (Energy Systems Operations and Instrumentation/Controls) that cover skills unique to each area. 

NOTE: The Advanced Manufacturing concentration is not taking any new cohorts.


Blake Lillard

Average starting salary within this sector is $40,000-$60,000 per year. With seniority, graduates can make around $100,000 per year.

The state of West Virginia employs nearly 100,000 people (about the seating capacity of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum) in energy and manufacturing.

Students are trained to become experienced technicians and understand industry equipment and processes that are useful in many industries from chemical production with pharmaceuticals, to advanced manufacturing, to the oil and gas/power production industry.

Career Opportunities

With a degree in one of our Applied Process Technology concentrations, students can begin an exciting career in a variety of businesses in our local area, including First Energy, Harrison Power Station, and Longview Power.

Course Catalog

To see a model schedule for this program, please see our academic catalog.


Pierpont is an open enrollment institution. Only a standard Pierpont application is needed for this program.