Make an Appointment to meet with a Disability Counselor
or call 304-534-7878 OR email

At Pierpont, we work closely with students to determine reasonable accommodations that will help them be successful in their schooling. 

Many students who were under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan during high school could qualify for services, as will many other students who might not have received any specialized services during their K-12 education.

Students should contact the Disability Services Office to discuss any disability that might interfere with the pursuit of their education.  Approved accommodations are determined on an individual basis.

NOTE: Reasonable accommodations approved by Pierpont’s Office of Disability Services are provided to qualified students at no charge to the student with the disability

Students must register in order to receive accommodations.

Make your appointment online or call 304-534-7878

To register, the student must have an in-person or online interview with a counselor.

Once registered, students may request academic accommodations.

Who qualifies for accommodations?

A person who:

  1. Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity;
  2. Has a record or history of such an impairment; or
  3. Is regarded as having such an impairment.

Disabilities include, but are not limited to: physical, visual, hearing, emotional, cognitive, learning, speech, and language issues. Major life activities include, but are not limited to: walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, test-taking, working, caring for oneself, and performing manual tasks.

How do I obtain services and accommodations?

You need to contact our office.

According to Section 504 and the ADA, it is the student’s responsibility to identify himself/herself. At Pierpont Community and Technical College, this means that you must seek assistance from Disability Services.

At your initial appointment: You will learn about the disability services provided by Pierpont Community and Technical College, in addition to the process of determining those accommodations.

  • You will be asked to provide the following information upon application: demographic information; your statement of or documentation of diagnosis; and descriptions of the problem(s) created by the disability.
  • You and the disability services’ coordinator will develop an Individualized Accommodation Plan that will detail your accommodations while attending Pierpont Community and Technical College. You will be provided with a letter to your faculty, which you will discuss with individual faculty members in private meetings that you request.
  • You can register anytime, but the sooner the better.
  • You can even register before the semester begins.

The Office of Disability Services is committed to continuously working toward removing barriers and providing equal access to all educational opportunities on campus by identifying and incorporating appropriate accommodations and services. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, students with disabilities are due reasonable accommodations in their academic pursuits. A student’s disability should not unfairly interfere with his or her learning process or evaluation and grading. To that end, our staff collaborates with students, instructors, staff, and community members to create diverse learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and sustainable.

For visitors to our campus who need any accommodations (ex. sign language interpreter or wheelchairs) for events, please contact our office using the information below.

What type of documentation do I need to bring to my appointment?

In order to qualify for services offered by the Office of Disability Services, a student should provide official documentation to a member of our staff at the meeting. The student’s disability should be diagnosed by a qualified professional e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist, physician) and include a clear statement of the student’s disability. The documentation should include the students student’s, the impact the disability has on the student, and recommendations for reasonable accommodations. It is also helpful for a student to bring their Individualized Educational Program (IEP) from the last grade they attended and testing results to the initial meeting if they have these.

What if I do not have documentation?

If you do not have documentation, make an appointment, and we can discuss how you can obtain documentation. Contact your local Division of Rehabilitation Services for additional resources. In West Virginia, call toll free 1-800-642-8207.

What accommodations are available?

The Office of Disability Services recognizes that individuals have a wide range of diverse characteristics and experiences, and this diversity is an integral aspect to society. As part of our effort to remove barriers, we work closely with students to identify academic accommodations and services that are most appropriate. Students must register with our office in order to receive these accommodations and services. Examples of accommodations and support services may include, but are not limited to:

  • priority registration
  • alternative testing formats and environment
  • classroom accommodations
  • note-taking support
  • alternative textbook formats
  • sign language interpreting
  • housing accommodations

Please note that this list is by no means exhaustive, and that our office is dedicated to developing accommodations fit for each individual. Our services are as unique and varied as our students. We also work to eliminate any barriers and provide accommodations for our visitors. Please contact our office to discuss any accommodations needed as a visitor.

Pierpont Community & Technical College does not assume responsibility for providing accommodations or services to students who have not identified themselves to our office as having a qualifying disability.

Students must provide their professors with a copy of their accommodation letter each semester in order to receive their accommodations.

Please contact our office to report an access issue on campus. This would include any issues with handicap accessible doorways, ramps, elevators, in addition to any suggestions that might improve your physical access on campus.

Contact Information

Advanced Technology Center
Phone: (304) 534-7878
TTY Phone: (304) 367-4906
Relay Number: (711)
Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm – Monday through Friday

Suzan Walsh Clemens, PhD
Director – Support Services
504 Coordinator for Students
(304) 367-4073