Students in Pierpont's licensed practical nursing program pose for a photo in front of a white Pierpont backdrop.


Fairmont, WV – Nineteen students from Pierpont Community and Technical College’s licensed practical nursing (LPN) program were recognized during a pinning ceremony on Friday, August 2.

The ceremonial pinning signifies not only the completion of required coursework and clinicals but also the transition from student to nurse. Following their completion and passing of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), the cohort is cleared to begin filling the high demand for nursing professionals in residential care facilities, hospitals, and physician’s offices around the region.

“I feel honored to have been a part of their journey,” said LPN Program Director Terri Armentrout. “I have watched them grow into fantastic caregivers and skilled professionals. Watching their growth as they progressed through the courses is why I do what I do.”

The historical significance of the pinning ceremony dates back to the 1860s when Florence Nightingale, known as the ‘Mother of Modern Nursing,’ was recognized for her contributions to the Crimean War. Nightingale shared the honor with her graduates by presenting them with a medal of excellence, a practice that would continue to evolve at the Nightingale School of Nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in London. By 1916, the practice was standard throughout the United States, symbolizing the journey of those dedicating their career to the selfless service of patients in healthcare settings.

Dr. Michael Waide, provost and vice president for academic affairs, addressed the group during the ceremony to offer encouragement as they prepare to enter a dynamic and challenging field. “Remember that compassion, resilience, and a commitment to lifelong learning are your greatest assets,” said Waide. “Stay curious, continue to seek knowledge, and never lose sight of the profound impact you can have on your patients’ lives.”

Pierpont’s one-year LPN certificate program provides students with opportunities for learning, training, and application of knowledge as it relates to the nursing care of individuals, families, and communities in health and illness.  The program is responsive to the emerging technologies in the healthcare field and the ever-changing needs of individuals, families, and communities.

“Through hands-on clinical experiences and simulation skills labs, students gain the practical skills needed for the nursing profession,” said Waide. “Our dedicated faculty also arrange co-curricular learning opportunities like job fairs, inviting local healthcare employers to meet with students and introduce them to exciting job opportunities in the region.”

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for licensed practical nurses in various healthcare settings is expected to grow at a faster-than-average pace through 2032, with over 54,000 job openings estimated annually. Pierpont’s LPN program is set to keep pace with the increase in demand by expanding the program capacity and enhancing the student learning experience in the new academic year.

The fall semester begins on August 26 at Pierpont. For more information on the LPN certificate program, click here or contact Armentrout at (304) 534-7709 or


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Pierpont Community and Technical College

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