Fairmont, WV – In late February, several members from Pierpont Community and Technical College’s Student Government Association (SGA) attended the NACA® Live Campus Activities Conference in Pittsburgh.
The group joined their peers from hundreds of colleges and universities across the United States to engage with over 140 educational sessions, workshops, speakers, and roundtable discussions aimed at strengthening campus activities and transforming college communities.
NACA® – the National Association for Campus Activities – is a non-profit organization that empowers higher education professionals and student leaders to amplify the campus experience through inclusive learning, networking, and engaging entertainment. During this year’s reimagined conference experience, over 100 vendors were on site to provide information and demonstrations on programs and experiences available to college campuses.
Madison Martin, President of Pierpont’s SGA, saw the experience as an opportunity to bring new ideas back to the institution. “I attended NACA® Live because I saw it as a chance to learn what other campuses are doing and how we can make [Pierpont] more inviting, inclusive, and accessible to students,” said Martin. “My biggest takeaway from the conference was the amount of opportunity that we have, even as a community college.”
NACA® Live is open to two- and four-year higher education institutions, providing opportunities to campuses of all sizes.
Pierpont’s SGA encourages students to grow professionally and personally during their tenure at the College. Students build professional skills while attending meetings, assisting with organizing events, pursuing leadership opportunities, and serving their communities through volunteer work.