This page will contain information pertaining to several graduation dates. Please check this site
often as changes will be reflected here
Applying for Graduation
All students planning to graduate must apply for graduation. If you are planning to graduate with multiple degrees or certificates, you must apply for each individually. Graduation applications may be completed online through ROAR. If you are denied a degree for the term in which you have applied, you must reapply for the term in which you will have completed your required coursework.
To apply for graduation:
- Login to ROAR
- Select the ‘Student’ Option
- Select ‘Student Records’
- Select ‘Apply for Graduation’
At this point, please complete each of the questions concerning your application for graduation. Note that the first question is asking for your ‘Curricular Term,’ which is the ‘Current Term,’ not your ‘Graduation Term.’ Once you complete the first question and select your applicable program, you’ll be able to select your ‘Graduation Term.’
Please note that students who apply past the deadline cannot be guaranteed that their name will be printed in the program.
If you have additional questions regarding graduation applications, contact Student Services located at the Advanced Technology Center.
Application Deadlines
Graduation Date | Application Deadline |
Spring 2025 | March 7, 2025 |
Summer 2025 | June 13, 2025 |
Fall 2025 | October 3, 2025 |
Please note, the deadline to order your cap and gown for the Spring 2025 ceremony is April 12, 2025.
Degree Audits
The purpose of the degree audit is to ensure that you will complete all coursework required to obtain your degree prior to your final scheduling session.
A degree audit is an ongoing process. You should meet with their academic advisor at least once a semester throughout their academic career at Pierpont. Meeting with your academic advisor before scheduling courses each semester is an important step in keeping you on track for graduation.
Appointments may be requested by contacting your Academic Advisor. Please provide your name, student ID number, catalog year, graduation term and telephone number. All degree audit appointments, information, and updates will be communicated through your Pierpont email address.
Ceremony Information
The graduation ceremony is held each spring. Students graduating in fall, spring, and summer will be able to participate in the following ceremony.
2025 Graduation Ceremony
Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center
444 W. Pike Street Clarksburg, WV
Friday, May 9, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Graduates from Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 are invited to register to walk in the 2025 Graduation Ceremony.
Those walking in the ceremony will need to complete the Reader Card form. Your reader card must be submitted before you are permitted to pick up your tickets for the ceremony. All reader card submissions are due on or before midnight on April 18, 2025.
Q: How do I order my cap and gown?
A: Visit
- Click on “ORDER NOW” under the CAP AND GOWN link – DO NOT click “FACULTY RENTAL”
- Choose your degree from the dropdown box (choices are: Associates degree or Certificate of Applied Science) then click the “SHOP” box.
- Click the “CAP AND GOWN” tab at the top menu
- Complete the student and sizing information, then click the “ADD TO CART” box
- Review the items in your cart (CAP, GOWN AND TASSEL)
- Click on the “CHECKOUT” box
- Enter your billing and shipping information and click “CONTINUE.”
NOTE the cost of shipping and tax will be added to your order - Confirm the details of your order
- The deadline to order your cap and gown for the Spring 2025 ceremony will be April 12, 2025.
If you have questions or concerns regarding your order, please contact Herff Jones at 1-800-837-4235.
Q: Are there fees associated with graduation?
A: Yes, students must pay for their own caps and gowns. The caps and gowns are $29.20 plus shipping and tax. Caps and gowns can be ordered here.
Q: What should I wear for the ceremony?
A: Ceremony attire should be semi-formal. Caps and gowns are black. Dark slacks and shoes are recommended.
Q: When will I receive my diploma?
A: Your diploma will be mailed to your permanent mailing address about six weeks after the date of the ceremony or sooner if possible.
- If you are graduating in May, your diploma will be mailed by June 30.
- If you are graduating in August, your diploma will be mailed by September 1.
- If you are graduating in December, your diploma will be mailed by January 31.
- Any graduate that has a HOLD (financial or credential) will not have their diploma or transcript released until the outstanding issue is resolved. Direct any questions to Student Services at 304-367-4907.
Q: How can I change my permanent mailing address?
A: To verify your permanent address, log into ROAR and click on ‘Personal Information’ tab.
- If you need to change your address, you must complete an Address Change form in Student Services, 500 Galliher Drive, Fairmont. See the link later in this section to obtain the form.
- This should be done at least one week prior to the mailing date to avoid lost or unclaimed diplomas.
Q: Are there accommodations for handicapped guests and graduates?
A: Handicapped parking will be available to guests with a college issued pass or state issued handicapped car placard or license plate.
- For those without state issued placards, college passes may be requested in advance by graduates for their guests.
- Graduates may request reserved handicapped seating for guests. We will do our best to keep your party together, but please bear in mind that space is limited, and those requiring special seating will be given preference.
- To reserve your space or pass in advance, please contact the Academic Affairs Office at
For additional questions regarding Commencement, please contact the Academic Affairs Office at